ARToolKit Professional Release Notes

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Main Page > ARToolKit Professional > ARToolKit Professional Release Notes

Latest release: 4.5.3.



Read me for ARToolKit Professional.
About this archive.
Building ARToolKit Pro.
Running ARToolKit Pro simple example.
Changes in this release.
Known issues in this release.
Changes in earlier releases.
About this archive.
This archive contains the ARToolKit Professional libraries, utilities and
examples, version 4.5.3.
ARToolKit Professional version 4.5.3 is released to you under a proprietary
license. Please note that your license terms impose various restrictions on
distribution of ARToolKit in both source and binary forms. Legal remedy will be
sought by ARToolworks, Inc. for any unauthorised distribution. 
Your license terms may entitle you to hot fixes and / or upgrades to ARToolKit
Professional version 4.5.3. Please contact us for more information.
ARToolKit Professional is designed to build on Linux, Windows, Macintosh OS X,
and SGI Irix platforms.
This archive was assembled by:
    Philip Lamb
    ARToolworks, Inc.
Installing ARToolKit Pro.
If you are reading this document from inside an installer, or been supplied with
pre-built ARToolKit 4 binaries, you may skip this section.
However, it is useful to build ARToolKit 4 to change various options and to add
your own customisations, so be sure to attempt it some time.
The instructions below are a brief introduction. The most up-to-date build
instructions can always be found in the ARToolworks support library
*** Required software/source packages
*   A compiler.
    *   Windows: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1,
and Visual Studio 2005 SP1 are supported. The free Microsoft Visual Studio
Express Edition will also work.
    *   Mac OS X: Xcode tools v3.1 under Mac OS X 10.5 or later is required.
These may be obtained free from Apple at
    *   Linux: GCC 4.4 is recommended.
*   OpenGL
*   GLUT; required to build libARgsub and the utilities and examples.
(libARgsub_lite provides equivalent functionality to libARgsub without requiring
    *   Windows: GLUT 3.7.6 is included with ARToolKit.
    *   Mac OS X: included in OS.
    *   Linux: GLUT should be available in your distribution (e.g. packages
freeglut3-dev and xorg-dev). Otherwise, GLUT is included in the MESA 3D
libraries: []
*   OpenCV; required to build calib_camera.
    *   Windows:
    *   Mac OS X: Mark Asbach has created OpenCV binaries for Macintosh in the
form of a Private Framework, and this is the OpenCV variant supported by
ARToolKit Professional. Click here to download Mark Asbach's OpenCV binary for
Macintosh. Once downloaded, create a folder inside your ARToolKit folder named
"Frameworks" and drag OpenCV.framework into it.
    *   Linux:
*   A video capture source
    *   Windows: By default, on Windows ARToolKit Professional's video library
(libARvideo) uses Microsoft's DirectShow as a video source. Unfortunately, this
requires installation of the DirectX SDK and either the Windows SDK or the
DirectShow package from the Microsoft Platform SDK to compile libARvideo. Please
see the separate page Building libARvideo using DirectShow. Alternative video
sources on Windows include:
        *    QuickTime, either using the VideoDigitizer or movie files or
streams. Please see the separate page Building libARvideo using QuickTime.
        *    Thomas Pintaric's DSVideoLib
[] which is the default video source
for ARToolKit v2.x (N.B.: DSVideoLib is now LGPL licensed and may be used in
proprietary software.)
        *    Point Grey's flycapture SDK (only for use with Point Grey Cameras).
        *    Canon's HDCam64 camera control library (Canon HDCam64 users only).
    *   Mac OS X: QuickTime v6.4 or later is required, and is included in all
versions of Mac OS X > 10.3.
    *   Linux: Video4Linux, lib1394dc, or GStreamer is required. The
corresponding packages required to be installed in your package manager are
"libv4l2-dev", "libdc1394-22-dev" (for lib1394 version 2.x) or
"libdc1394-13-dev" (for lib1394 version 1.x), and "libgstreamer0.10-dev".
*    OpenVRML (optional); The ARToolKit VRML renderer requires OpenVRML. 
    *   Windows: OpenVRML-0.16.6 or later (for Visual Studio 2005) must be on
the include and library path to rebuild ARvrml.lib. Suitable binaries of
OpenVRML for Windows can be downloaded from
    *   Mac OS X: OpenVRML should be installed using the
[ Fink] packagemanager. Once fink is installed, the
required command to install OpenVRML is <code>fink -b install openvrml6-dev
openvrml-gl6-dev</code>. Alternately, a Universal binary build of
OpenVRML-0.16.6 suitable for inclusion in application bundles can be downloaded
    *   Linux: Binary deb packages are available from
*   OpenSceneGraph (optional); The ARToolKit OSG renderer requires
    OSG version 2.6 or later is required, version 2.8.2 is recommended.
    *   Windows / Mac OS X: ARToolworks supplies binaries of OSG at ARToolKit uses the environment
variable OSG_ROOT to find your OpenSceneGraph installation.
    *   Linux: OpenSceneGraph is available as a package for most Linux
distributions (e.g. package libopenscenegraph-dev).
*** Building ARToolKit Professional:
    *   After unpacking ARToolKit, run the configure-win32 script. This
generates AR/config.h for Windows builds. If you wish to change the default
video library, or enable or disable some of the video modules, edit the file
include/AR/config.h. See the additional help pages Building libARvideo using
DirectShow and Building libARvideo using QuickTime for more help.
    *   Open the ARToolKit4.sln file inside the appropriate directory in side
the "VisualStudio" directory.
    *   Build the ToolKit and the sample applications. The VRML and OSG
renderers are not built by default, but can be manually selected and built.
Mac OS X
    *   Open the ARToolKit4.xcodeproj, found inside the Xcode folder.
    *   The configure step (which creates AR/config.h) will be run automatically
during the build process. If you wish to override the defaults, you may manually
edit AR/config.h after this.
    *   Select a target to build. The default target builds the complete toolkit
with the exception of the OpenVRML and OSG-dependent projects, which can be
manually selected and built.
    *    Building proceeds with the usual steps ./configure; make During the
configure process, you will be asked to select video libraries to build against.
*** Running the simpleLite example:
ARToolKit Professional includes a variety of examples demonstrating ARToolKit
programming techniques. After compiling, the executables for these applications
can be found in the bin directory inside your ARToolKit directory.
The simpleLite example is the most straightforward example. It can be run to
test your ARToolKit installation is functioning correctly.
An explanation of the sourcecode of this example can be found on the page
ARToolKit tutorial 1: First simple ARToolKit scene. More detailed information
about the techniques demonstrated in each example can be found on the page
ARToolKit Professional examples.
    simpleLite can be opened by double-clicking its icon in the ARToolKit4\bin
directory. Alternately, you can run it from the command line:
    * Open a command-line window (cmd.exe).
    * Navigate to your ARToolKit4\bin directory.
    * Type: simpleLite.exe
Mac OS X:
    Bundled applications are generated for the examples. The utilities are
generated as command-line tools. Both can be run in the Finder (with output in
Console) or from within Xcode or a Terminal window.
    simpleLite can be launched from a terminal window thus:
Changes in version 4.5.3 (this release) (2011-05-05).
New features:
- An online 2D barcode marker generator is available now at
- The 4x4 barcode marker set, and two new error-checking and correction codes
can now be selected at runtime.
- check_id now has command-line switches to control parameters of the markers
being used.
Bug fixes:
- A bug that prevented use of variable-border size markers has been fixed.
Changes in version 4.5.2 (2011-04-20).
- arOSG now allows lighting to be turned on or off per model in the model .dat
files. Also, it now allows for setting of viewpoints with the origin left or
below (0,0).
- A programmatic interface to the QuickTime movie interface is now exposed as
<AR/sys/videoQuickTimeMovie.h>. The QuickTime "movie" object can be retreieved
via a new function call ar2VideoGetMovieQuickTime().
- A number of iOS-specific code improvements are documented in the iOS release
Bug fixes:
- ar2VideoGetParams now correctly accepts a pointer to a string for the returned
string parameter.
- arOSG now turns off all ambient lighting.
- The examples now create a window the same size as the incoming camera frame.
Previously, a hard-coded window size was used.
- A number of iOS-specific bug fixes are documented in the iOS release notes. 
Changes in version 4.5.1 (2011-03-18).
- The arOSG library has added support for intersection queries, plus
enabling/disabling lighting. Also, much more state information can now be
Bug fixes:
- Mac OS X: An error which occured when closing the video stream has been
- Mac OS X: The QuickTime7 video module will now default to supplying 32-bit
BGRA pixels on Intel architectures and 32-bit ARGB pixels on ppc architectures.
This can be overridden (e.g. to supply 2vuy or yuvs-format pixels) using the
video config string.
Changes in version 4.5.0 (2011-01-24).
New features:
- arFilterTransMat functions to provide pose-estimate filtering.
- Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
- mk_patt can now train markers with non-standard border widths. The command
line switch "-border=n" (n between 0 and 0.5 (not inclusive)) specifies the
desired border width as a proportion of the marker width. The portion of the
marker which will be used as the pattern is now indicated by mk_patt by
outlining in blue. Note that in order to use markers with non-standard border
widths, the border width must be specified in the application by using the
arSetBorderSize() function (see reference documentation for more information.)
Other changes:
- Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 has been added.
Changes in version 4.5.0d3 (2011-01-06).
New features:
- New QuickTime7 video input module for Mac, using the new QTKit Capture APIs.
It is now the default video input module on the Mac. This new module offers a
dramatic improvement in capture speed from high-definition video sources. If
desired, ARToolKit can now be built with Mac OS X 10.6 the minimum version
- New example simpleMovie, demonstrating use of the QuickTime video input module
to show a video file on a marker.
- New utility, check_id, which allows low-level debugging of multi-marker
tracking, particularly barcode marker tracking. See
for a tutorial.
Other changes:
- Support for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003, and OpenVRML 0.14.3 have been
Changes in version 4.5.0d2 (2010-11-22).
New features:
- Variable marker border width. See documentation for
- Error detection and correction codes with 3x3 matrix markers. Two modes are
available, one using parity, and allowing for detection of single-bit errors
with up to 32 markers, and one using a Hamming (6,3) code, allowing for
detection of up to 3 bit errors and correction of up to 2 bit errors with up to
8 markers. Marker patterns for these modes can be found in the doc/patterns
- For identified square regions, which ultimately are not judged by ARToolKit to
be known patterns, support is now included for discovering which stage of marker
matching cutoff occured. See the documentation for the cutoffPhase member of the
ARMarkerInfo structure.
- On Mac OS X, adaptive thresholding makes use of the Accelerate framework for
improved performance.
Changes in version 4.5.0d1 (2010-10-05).
New features:
- Adaptive thresholding. This algorithm adjusts the threshold intra-frame, and
thus should help ARToolKit find markers when lighting condtions are non-uniform
across a frame. Adaptive thresholding requires a fast computer, and is not
enabled by default. The processing time taken is proportional to the number of
pixels in the image; using an 800x600 image size or smaller is recommended. It
can be enabled by calling arSetLabelingThreshMode(arHandle,
AR_LABELING_THRESH_MODE_AUTO_ADAPTIVE); Manually changing the threshold will
disable adaptive thresholding. The kernel size
be changed at compile-time. Larger values will provide better thresholding but
require a faster CPU.
Known issues in this release.
- SGI video input is missing.
Changes in earlier releases.
Please see the file ChangeLog.txt.


ARToolKit Professional ChangeLog.
Changes in version 4.5.4 (this release) (2011-xx-xx).
- Extended controls and modes for ARvideo 1394dc.
Changes in version 4.5.3 (2011-05-05).
New features:
- An online 2D barcode marker generator is available now at
- The 4x4 barcode marker set, and two new error-checking and correction codes
can now be selected at runtime.
- check_id now has command-line switches to control parameters of the markers
being used.
Bug fixes:
- A bug that prevented use of variable-border size markers has been fixed.
Changes in version 4.5.2 (2011-04-20).
- arOSG now allows lighting to be turned on or off per model in the model .dat
files. Also, it now allows for setting of viewpoints with the origin left or
below (0,0).
- A programmatic interface to the QuickTime movie interface is now exposed as
<AR/sys/videoQuickTimeMovie.h>. The QuickTime "movie" object can be retreieved
via a new function call ar2VideoGetMovieQuickTime().
- A number of iOS-specific code improvements are documented in the iOS release
Bug fixes:
- ar2VideoGetParams now correctly accepts a pointer to a string for the returned
string parameter.
- arOSG now turns off all ambient lighting.
- The examples now create a window the same size as the incoming camera frame.
Previously, a hard-coded window size was used.
- A number of iOS-specific bug fixes are documented in the iOS release notes. 
Changes in version 4.5.1 (2011-03-18).
- The arOSG library has added support for intersection queries, plus
enabling/disabling lighting. Also, much more state information can now be
Bug fixes:
- Mac OS X: An error which occured when closing the video stream has been
- Mac OS X: The QuickTime7 video module will now default to supplying 32-bit
BGRA pixels on Intel architectures and 32-bit ARGB pixels on ppc architectures.
This can be overridden (e.g. to supply 2vuy or yuvs-format pixels) using the
video config string.
Changes in version 4.5.0 (2011-01-24).
New features:
- arFilterTransMat functions to provide pose-estimate filtering.
- Support for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
- mk_patt can now train markers with non-standard border widths. The command
line switch "-border=n" (n between 0 and 0.5 (not inclusive)) specifies the
desired border width as a proportion of the marker width. The portion of the
marker which will be used as the pattern is now indicated by mk_patt by
outlining in blue. Note that in order to use markers with non-standard border
widths, the border width must be specified in the application by using the
arSetBorderSize() function (see reference documentation for more information.)
Changes in version 4.5.0d3 (2011-01-06).
New features:
- New QuickTime7 video input module for Mac, using the new QTKit Capture APIs.
It is now the default video input module on the Mac. This new module offers a
dramatic improvement in capture speed from high-definition video sources. If
desired, ARToolKit can now be built with Mac OS X 10.6 the minimum version
- New example simpleMovie, demonstrating use of the QuickTime video input module
to show a video file on a marker.
- New utility, check_id, which allows low-level debugging of multi-marker
tracking, particularly barcode marker tracking. See
for a tutorial.
Other changes:
- Support for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003, and OpenVRML 0.14.3 have been
Changes in version 4.5.0d2 (2010-11-22).
New features:
- Variable marker border width. See documentation for
- Error detection and correction codes with 3x3 matrix markers. Two modes are
available, one using parity, and allowing for detection of single-bit errors
with up to 32 markers, and one using a Hamming (6,3) code, allowing for
detection of up to 3 bit errors and correction of up to 2 bit errors with up to
8 markers. Marker patterns for these modes can be found in the doc/patterns
- For identified square regions, which ultimately are not judged by ARToolKit to
be known patterns, support is now included for discovering which stage of marker
matching cutoff occured. See the documentation for the cutoffPhase member of the
ARMarkerInfo structure.
- On Mac OS X, adaptive thresholding makes use of the Accelerate framework for
improved performance.
Changes in version 4.5.0d1 (2010-10-05).
New features:
- Adaptive thresholding. This algorithm adjusts the threshold intra-frame, and
thus should help ARToolKit find markers when lighting condtions are non-uniform
across a frame. Adaptive thresholding requires a fast computer, and is not
enabled by default. The processing time taken is proportional to the number of
pixels in the image; using an 800x600 image size or smaller is recommended. It
can be enabled by calling arSetLabelingThreshMode(arHandle,
AR_LABELING_THRESH_MODE_AUTO_ADAPTIVE); Manually changing the threshold will
disable adaptive thresholding. The kernel size
be changed at compile-time. Larger values will provide better thresholding but
require a faster CPU.
Changes in version 4.4.3 (2010-08-20).
New features:
- Added arVideoSaveImageJPEG() funtion, which saves video frame to a jpeg file.
- Added a new auto threshold algorithm, based on Otsu's method, and changed this
to the default method. Otsu's method typically selects a better threshold than
the median, particularly when one or more markers are close to the camera.
- Add new config token AR_ENABLE_MINIMIZE_MEMORY_FOOTPRINT. Enabled by default
on iPhone, it removes support for the debug image, and saves several hundred KB
of memory.
Bug fixes:
- Extraneous debug output from the pose estimator (ICP) now only present in
debug builds, and goes to stderr.
- Fix for small memory leak in arVideo.
Changes in version 4.4.2 (this release) (2010-03-16).
New features:
- Auto-thresholding. ARToolKit will now by default automatically adjust the
binarization threshold to the median image brightness. The brightness is
measured using a full-image histogram, which runs by default every 8 frames.
Note that if your ARToolKit application manually sets the threshold at any time
(including during initialization) the auto-thresholding will be disabled.
- New OpenSceneGraph-based rendering library, arOSG. arOSG is intended to
provide access to the modern plugin-based scene graph OpenSceneGraph, and its
attendant model formats and graphical capabilities. An example and full API
documentation is included.
- Windows binaries of ARToolKit are now supplied with win64-x64 versions of
ARICP. win32-i386 versions now also build to subfolder of lib.
- Update Windows DragonFly video module for latest FlyCapture SDK release
(changes submitted by Henry Chu).
- Reduced contrast required to identify barcode patterns (changed
AR_PATT_CONTRAST_THRESH2 in arConfig.h to 15.0). This should enhance detection
of barcode patterns.
Bug fixes:
- Fixup of handling of path separators on Win32 in utility functions to support
osgART Professional Editon v1.1.3 ARToolKit4 and ARToolKit4NFT tracker plugins.
Changes in version 4.4.1 (2009-09-15).
Bug fixes:
- Moved some symbols from libARvideo to libAR to avoid requirement to co-link.
Changes in version 4.4.0 (2009-07-16).
New features:
- Add line matching to pose estimator.
- ARG: added "flipmode" for horizontal and vertical flipping.
- Mac can also now use video1394dc.
- New version of video1394dc, with headers and source, and configuration items.
- Add draw square to ARG.
- Add video pixel format name utility function.
Bug fixes:
- AR_AREA_MAX changed from 1e5 to 1e6. Tracking will now function better with HD
images when marker is close to the camera.
- Bug fixes in video1394dc.
- Robust ppose estimator now makes better probability estimates.
- Removal of 'static' qualifiers in multi lib.
- Remove erroneous default video config in mk_patt for Windows DirectShow video.
- Syntax error fixed in arViewerCapi.cpp.
- Fix bug in videoQuickTime when UVC driver incorrectly reports frame timing.
- Correct potential error in marker detection loop in examples.
- Fix bug whereby request for a non-default pixel format was ignored by
- Change internal lib linkage in Xcode.
- Removed some debug output from ARICP library.
Changes in version 4.3.4 (2008-11-11).
- Add support for 3 packed pixel formats (RGB565, RGBA5551 and RGBA4444).
- Addition of asynchronous fetching of video frames. New function
ar2VideoGetImageAsync. At present, implemented only in dummy video.
- Support for requesting power-of-2 sized buffers (via config string
"-bufferpow2") from dummy video lib.
- Replaced all double-precision floating point declarations with a macro which
can be redefined to single-precision floating point as an optimisation.
- Add 4x3 and 8x6 multi patterns and PDFs and Letter-size multi PDF.
- Change multi-marker loading to allow backwards compatibility with config files
from ARToolKit v2.x.
Bug fixes:
- Some gstreamer fixes incorporated, including correct pre-rolling with some
additional source types, correction of default video config, and compatibility
with new gstreamer releases.
- Fixes to dual-mode marker detection (two pass detection of both matrix and
template markers). arSetPatternDetectionMode no longer incorrectly rejects
two-pass modes as invalid.
- Debug image alpha channel (where appropriate) is now set to opaque.
- More headerDoc documentation added.
Changes in version 4.3.3 (2008-02-18).
New features:
- Scripts to set and unset the ARTOOLKIT_4_ROOT environment variable have been
added for the Linux and Mac OS X platforms. See the "share" directory.
- A script "share/artoolkit4-config" allows 3rd-party applications to query
ARToolKit build settings on the Linux and Mac OS X platforms.
Bug fixes:
- ARToolKit now assumes a little-endian architecture on Linux if the
__BIG_ENDIAN__ macro is not defined by the preprocessor.
- Change in multi-marker pattern file format (arMultiReadConfigFile); pattern
filenames in a multimarker config file are now relative to the config file,
rather than the working directory.
Changes in version 4.3.2 (2008-01-20).
New features:
- A new example, multiCube, demonstrates the use of non-planar multimarker sets,
in this case a cube. Sample PDFs for cube markers are in doc/patterns/Cubes.
- Add VideoGStreamer (LGPL license) which uses the GStreamer library for video
input. Copyright Hartmut Seichter and ARToolworks, Inc.
- The environment variable ARTOOLKIT_4_CONFIG can now be used to globally set
the video configuration to be used when none is specified in the call to
Bug fixes:
- Configuration of Makefile builds (Linux, and optionally Mac OS X) has been
cleaned up.
- "-device=" option can now safely be passed to video input modules which don't
use "-option" syntax.
- gsub_lite is now correctly built in Makefile builds.
Changes in version 4.3.1 (2008-01-08).
Other changes:
- Update Xcode project for Xcode 3.0 compatibility.
- Add arVideoUtilGetPixelFormat to libARvideo (duplicate of libAR's
arUtilGetPixelFormat) to allow independent linkage.
Changes in version 4.3 (2007-10-31).
New features:
- Hirokazu Kato has rewritten his original fast pose estimator a modern
algorithm. The new pose estimator offers comparable accuraccy, with much
improved speed.
- A robust pose estimator has been added. See the documentation for functions
arGetTransMatRobust() and arGetTransMatStereoRobust(). These functions are also
available under multi-marker tracking.
- Examples for multi-marker tracking and stereo tracking added.
- Video input via QuickTime from file and streaming video sources has been added
on Mac OS X and Windows. Full documentation is available in the ARToolworks
support library.
- A set of utilities for Linux 1394dc video have been added: whitebalance,
checkimage, listcamera.
- Camera calibration is now performed using the OpenCV library and is greatly
simplified. A new version 4 of the camera calibration parameters is now saved.
Camera calibration files generated with the earlier (versions 1 through 3) of
the camera calibration utility may still be used. The old camera calibration
utility is available as calib_camera_old-v3.
- Multi-marker tracking is now available in two modes, template (pictorial
markers) and matrix (2D-barcode markers). These modes can be used exclusively or
together in a two-pass arrangement.
- Some convenience functions added to gsub library: argGetScreenSize(),
- Video parameters under the Linux 1394dc video library can now be saved and
- ARvrml, the VRML renderer, now supports openvrml-0.16.6 on all platforms, and
builds as a DLL on Windows to ease Building of programs that use ARvrml.
Bug fixes:
- arUtilSleep() now correctly operates in milliseconds on Unix-based systems.
Other changes:
- Minor changes in the parameters to some functions: please check the
documentation for more information: arGetDebugMode(), arGetLabelingMode(),
arGetLabelingThresh(), arGetImageProcMode(), arGetPattDetectionMode(),
arGetMarkerExtractionMode(), arGetTransMat(), arGetTransMatStereo(),
- The following functions have been removed: arGetTransMatSub(),
arGetTransMatSubStereo(), arModifyMatrix(), arModifyMatrixStereo(),
arGetAngle(), arGetRot(), arGetNewMatrix(), arGetInitRot().
Known issues in this release.
- The Mac video library does not yet use the new QuickTime 7 video pipeline.
- SGI video input is missing.
Changes in version 4.1.3 (2007-05-12).
- Addition of routines to load and save optical calibration sets, updated
calib_optical, and simpleLiteOptical example.
Changes in version 4.1.2 (2007-04-24).
- Addition of calib_optical tool for calibration of optical see-through
camera-display combinations.
Changes in version 4.1.1 (2007-04-03).
- Major modification to accommodate changing distortion function version at
runtime. Several function prototypes have changed.
- Lots of new headerDoc documentation in code.
- Began maintaining ChangeLog inside release archives.
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