Displaying the ARToolKit debug image in osgART

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Main Page > osgART > osgART HowTo > Displaying the ARToolKit debug image in osgART

About the debug image

ARToolKit includes a debug mode, in which it saves each binarized image (the "debug image") produced during its processing for later (optional) display. osgART also makes this image available, allowing the user to display it, and potentially use it to adjust ARToolKit's binarization threshhold.

The debug image is made available by the tracking plugin, rather than the video plugin, since it is actually an output of the tracking pass performed by ARToolKit.

The debug image has a standand osg::Image type, and thus once retrieved from the tracker plugin (via osgART's field mechanism) it can be displayed in your program in any way you wish, by using standard OSG calls to draw images.

Retrieving the debug image

The debug image is obtained via a field. It is also necessary to use a field to enable ARToolKit's debug mode. First, declare the field pointers in a header:

    osg::ref_ptr<osgART::TypedField<bool> > m_Debug;
    osg::ref_ptr<osgART::TypedField<osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> > > m_Debug_Image;

A pointer to the two fields must be set up. This is easiest done just after the tracker is initialized. (I.e., place it after the call to ARSceneNode->connect() in your application.) m_Tracker is a pointer to the tracker plugin instance.

    m_Debug = reinterpret_cast< osgART::TypedField<bool>* >(m_Tracker->get("debug"));
    if (!(m_Debug.valid()))  {			
        osg::notify(osg::WARN) << "Field 'debug' not supported for this tracker" << std::endl;
    m_Debug_Image = reinterpret_cast< osgART::TypedField<osg::ref_ptr<osg::Image> >* >(m_Tracker->get("debug_image"));
    if (!(m_Debug_Image.valid()))  {			
        osg::notify(osg::WARN) << "Field 'debug_image' not supported for this tracker" << std::endl;

Once the field pointer is set up, how to get the actual image? First, enable ARToolKit's debug mode. (This code toggles debug mode on and off.)

            if (m_Debug.valid()) {

Next, if debug mode is on, make sure that the tracker has a valid image. (The following code includes a workaround for the fact that the tracker may require that a tracking pass has been performed with debug mode enabled, by forcing a tracking pass.) m_Tracker is a pointer to the tracker plugin instance, and m_Video a pointer to the video plugin instance which is connected to the tracker.

            if (m_Debug.valid()) {
                if (m_Debug->get()) {
                    if (m_Debug_Image.valid())  { // Check for valid ref_ptr.
                        // Check that image is valid (i.e. correctly initialized).
                        if (!(m_Debug_Image->get())->valid()) {
                            // One valid reason that debug image might not be valid
                            // is that the tracker may require that at least one tracking pass
                            // has been performed with debug mode enabled. So we will force the tracker
                            // to repeat the last tracking pass, and then recheck the image's validity.
                            m_Video.get()->setModifiedCount(m_Video.get()->getModifiedCount() + 1);
                        if (!(m_Debug_Image->get())->valid()) {
                            osg::notify(osg::FATAL) << "Could not initialize debug image!" << std::endl;
                       } else {
                           // At this point, you can do something with the image.
                           // You can dereference the pointer to get the actual osg::Image
                           // using this syntax: (m_Debug_Image->get()).get()

Displaying the debug image

As the debug image is updated each time the tracker is update, the simplest way to display the image is to treat it as an osg::ImageStream and use osgART::VideoLayer to overlay it on the viewing plane.

First, declare a VideoLayer in a header file:

    osg::ref_ptr<osgART::VideoLayer> m_Debug_VideoLayer;

Then the following snippet would be inserted into the above code immediately after the comment "At this point, you can do something with the image." m_ForegroundGroup is an active group in the scenegraph.

                        // Create the video layer if required.
                        if (!m_Debug_VideoLayer.valid()) {
                            m_Debug_VideoLayer = new osgART::VideoLayer((m_Debug_Image->get()).get(), 1);
                            if (!m_Debug_VideoLayer.valid()) {
                                osg::notify(osg::FATAL) << "Could not create video layer for debug image!" << std::endl;
                            } else {
                        // Show the video layer.
                        if (m_Debug_VideoLayer.valid()) {
                            m_Debug_VideoLayer.get()->setNodeMask(0xFFFFFFFF);  // Visible

What about hiding the video layer once debug mode has been disabled?

            if (m_Debug.valid()) {
                if (!m_Debug->get()) {
                    // Hide the video image.
                    if (m_Debug_VideoLayer.valid()) {
                        m_Debug_VideoLayer.get()->setNodeMask(0x0);         // Hidden
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