ARToolworks is pleased to announce the release of the latest version of its core augmented reality product, ARToolKit. Version 5.0 is a major new release with dramatically enhanced performance and support across the complete platform range of iOS, Android, Windows, OS X and Linux.
Ben Vaughan, ARToolworks CEO said: “Since its first release in 2001, ARToolKit has proven itself and become the world’s most popular software for augmented reality tracking. It is full-featured, has industry leading platform support, and a thriving developer community. We’re proud to offer this significant new release, targeted mainly at mobile platforms, which will enhance the performance and capability of both existing and new AR applications.”
ARToolKit version 5 focuses particularly on speed and performance. “We’re committed to making ARToolKit the most versatile and comprehensive AR software development kit for AR application developers on all the major mobile and desktop platforms” said Philip Lamb, ARToolworks CTO. “In this release, we’ve added new tracking features which reduce tracking data set sizes by 90%, we’ve improved tracking speed on all platforms, and we’ve added new features like OpenGL ES 2.0 rendering and improved integration with leading third party products like the Unity 3D game development environment.”
In addition to these improvements, significant internal upgrades in ARToolKit version 5 lay the foundation for a series of upcoming additional releases to support an exciting new generation of augmented reality hardware, peripherals and mobile devices.
ARToolKit version 5 is available for immediate release. Customers that have purchased licenses since August 1 2013 are eligible for a free upgrade, while other licensees will be offered discounts to upgrade to version 5.0.
To evaluate ARToolKit or enquire about our flexible range of licensing options, please contact ARToolworks or your local ARToolKit reseller.
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