ARToolKit for Unity Release Notes

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Main Page > ARToolKit for Unity > ARToolKit for Unity Release Notes

Release notes:


ARToolKit for Unity v5.1.6

Bug fixes:

  • Corrects an issue when using the new Windows Media Foundation video module under Unity on Windows 8.

ARToolKit for Unity v5.1.5


  • Brings ARToolKit’s support for stereo video sources and stereo tracking to ARToolKit for Unity.
  • When using a single video source with a stereo display, the video background now renders in both eyes.
  • A new video module is available on Windows. It uses the Microsoft Media Foundation framework, and is supported on Windows 7 or later. This module provides better support for built-in cameras on tablet devices running Windows 8. to use this new module, use a video configuration string of "-device=WinMF -format=BGRA". See for more information on format and frame size options.

Bug fixes:

  • Corrects an issue introduced in version 5.1.3R2 which affected AOT compilation on non-Android platforms.

ARToolKit for Unity v5.1.4


  • Automatically switches to stereo mode on Epson Moverio BT-200.

Bug fixes:

  • Android: Fixes a crashing bug which occurred sometimes when switching between AR scenes in a single Unity project.

ARToolKit for Unity v5.1.3R3

Major changes: This release introduces a change in the way that AR scenes are initially arranged. By default, a new marker placed in a scene will appear vertically in the Unity environment. This is the same relationship between the marker and the camera's axes as in other ARToolKit SDKs; the marker left/right axis is aligned with camera -x/+x axis, and the marker down/up axis is aligned with the camera -y/+y axis. The one difference is that Unity uses a left-hand coordinate system, with the camera +z pointing into the marker, whereas on other ARToolKit SDKs, the +z axis points out from the marker.

It is simple to produce a scene in Unity where the marker lies on the ground plane (the X-Z plane); just apply a rotation about X of 90 degrees to the AR scene's root object. The supplied examples all implement this technique.


  • The ARTransitionalCamera, which allows the viewer to move between exocentric (AR) and egocentric (VR) mode in a scene has been improved. "Mouselook" mode should be more reliable. Additionally, on desktop platforms, the user may navigate using Unity's predefined movement controls (e.g. keys W, A, S, D) and the rate at which the user moves is configurable by the user.

ARToolKit for Unity v5.1.3R2

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug which caused markers to not load in the player in the rare case where Unity loaded ARMarker objects before it loaded the ARController.
  • Fixed a bug which caused multimarkers to be drawn incorrectly in the Unity Editor when the marker origin was not at the world origin.

ARToolKit for Unity v5.1.3

Includes ARToolKit Professional v5.1.3. Changes relevant to ARToolKit for Unity are listed below:

New features:

  • Support for mono and stereo optical see-through displays has been added. At present, only half-width side-by-side stereo mode is supported, as used in e.g. the Epson Moverio BT-200 display. See A new example Unity scene named “StereoOpticalScene” is included in Assets/Example Scenes folder. It displays how to set up a project for stereo optical.
  • Android: Access to the CameraPreferences window is now provided via a button on the onscreen GUI. (Press the [Menu] key to bring up the onscreen GUI). This is the supported means of changing the preferred camera resolution on Android.


Bug fixes

  • A bug affecting calls to StopAR() followed by StartAR() has been corrected.

ARToolKit for Unity v5.1.2

Includes ARToolKit Professional v5.1.2.

  • This release corrects in-Editor display of marker gizmos for multimarker sets.
  • Added preliminary support for optical see-through display.

ARToolKit for Unity v5.1.1

Android: ARToolKit 5.1 introduces a significant new feature on Android, fetching of camera calibration data from an ARToolworks-provided server. On request, ARToolworks provides developers access to an on-device verson of calib_camera which submits calibration data to ARToolworks' server, making it available to all users of that device. For ARToolKit for Unity on Android, the underlying changes to support this are incorporated into the native plugin. Your app will link against and its additional dependencies, and Please see for details on this feature.

Android: this release also corrects some inconsistencies in the example AndroidManifest.xml (screen size, uses-feature). Added requirement for and made and optional. This should fix reported issues with Android market not making apps available to devices with only a front camera or to devices without an autofocus camera.

iOS: An error whereby the correct camera parameters were not being selected for most recent iOS devices when using a video configuration of "-preset=high" has been corrected

ARToolKit for Unity v5.0.8

Includes ARToolKit Professional v5.0.8.

  • Adds support for ARToolKit multi-marker sets. At present, barcode (matrix) and pattern-based (template) multi-marker sets are supported, with the exception of Android, where pattern-based markers are not currently supported. The multimarker config. file and any dependent pattern files should be placed in the "StreamingAssets" folder, and the path to the multimarker config. file entered into the "Marker" script object. The appropriate tracking mode must be manually (template vs matrix) must be selected in the "ARToolKit" script object. The in-editor display of the position and size of the marker is not currently operational but will be corrected in a subsequent release.
  • Source for the Android UnityARPlayer class is now included in the "extras" directory. See also

ARToolKit for Unity v5.0.7

Includes ARToolKit Professional v5.0.7, with one Unity-relevant fix for the default Windows video module (WinDS). This module should now re-open correctly after multiple runs in the Unity Editor.

ARToolKit for Unity v5.0.6

  • Separated the call to capture a frame and the call to update AR tracking to improve timing in some cases.
  • Fixes an issue which could lead to frame stutter in some heavily patterned visual environments.
  • Adds a user-visible error dialog in case where camera cannot be found or initialised.
  • Improved shuto
  • Fix for memory leaks on shutdown (observed when repeatedly starting/stopping AR or running inside the Unity Editor).
  • Improved handling of buffer clearing.

ARToolKit for Unity v5.0.5 UPDATE2

  • This is an update which corrects an issue in ARToolKit for Unity v5.0.5 UPDATE1 affecting NFT dataset generation.
  • mscvp71.dll or msvcr71.dll have been removed from the "redist" folder as they no longer need to be included with apps which use ARToolKit for Unity.

ARToolKit for Unity v5.0.5 UPDATE1

N.B. This is an update which corrects an issue in ARToolKit for Unity v5.0.5 affecting NFT tracking.

This release incorporates ARToolKit Professional v5.0.5. The numbering of ARToolKit for Unity releases has been changed to match the version of ARToolKit for desktop and mobile platforms.

ARToolKit version 5.0 introduces a new (non-backwards compatible) improved NFT dataset format. While most of the APIs and tools for NFT tracking remain identical, performance has been improved and dataset sizes have been dramatically reduced, typically by more than 90%. As an example, the “gibraltar” sample NFT dataset (high-resolution A4 size) included with ARToolKit for Unity v2.1.x has shrunk from a total of 1.7B to 229KB. An A5-size dataset at lower resolution can be shrunk to under 100KB. This change comes with the same level of tracking performance. We believe this will make both local storage and over-the-air transmission of NFT datasets far more comfortable for developers.

ARToolKit for Unity v2.1.3

  • Android: Fixed a crash on resuming the Unity activity under low-memory conditions.
  • Added an option to disable the display of video using OpenGL texturing (on platforms where OpenGL is available).
  • Fixed an issue affecting video input using the Windows WinDS video input module. This includes an update to ARvideo.dll, so be sure to re-run the ARToolKit for Unity installer on all machines on which you use the Unity editor.

ARToolKit for Unity v2.1.2

  • Android: New in this release is underlying support for the CameraPreferences class (as available in ARToolKit for Android release 12). At present, camera preferences (choice of camera and resolution) are read from defaults, or the previous defaults used if no defaults are provided. However no user-visible means of setting the defaults is provided. This will be provided in a future release.
  • Android: The issue whereby after pausing and resuming an ARToolKit for Unity-based activity, the camera preview would be visible in the corner of the display has been corrected.
  • The utilities have been updated to ARToolKit 4.6.9.
  • Minor performance improvements.

ARToolKit for Unity v2.1.1

  • This is a minor release which adds the ability to turn on/off continuous pose estimation for square markers.

ARToolKit for Unity v2.1.0

  • This release updates ARToolKit for Unity to work with Unity v4. (Unity v4.0.1 or later is required.)
  • NFT markers now load when added to the scene, including in-editor display of their correct size.
  • A bug which caused some markers to cease tracking after multiple runs in the editor has been fixed.
  • This release updates the native ARToolKit plugins and tools to ARToolKit v4.6.7.

ARToolKit for Unity v2.0.5

  • This release updates the native ARToolKit plugins and tools to ARToolKit v4.6.1.
  • On iOS, support for iOS 6 and iPhone 5 has been added. As part of this, the minimum supported iOS version has been increased to iOS v4.3.
  • Fixes a bug in filtering where the filter would not reset after loss of tracking, resulting in some cases in the tracked object being drawn outside the field of view even when the marker was visible.

ARToolKit for Unity v2.0.4

  • This release updates the native ARToolKit plugins and tools to ARToolKit v4.6.0.
  • Corrected a bug in handling of marker sizes on Windows.

ARToolKit for Unity v2.0.3

  • This release improves Android support, including support for Android OS 4.x ("Ice Cream Sandwich"). The default settings for Android have also changed. Recommended minimum configuration is Android 2.3 running on ARMv7 with OpenGL ES 2.0. Our target is a default minimum supported device configuration of Android 2.2 running on ARMv7, although in this release we cannot guarantee correct operation on Android OS 2.2 devices. Please see for more information.
  • For good NFT performance, a dual-core device is recommended.
  • On iOS devices, pre-supplied camera calibration data is now used automatically, greatly improving robustness of the NFT tracking.
  • Includes changes in ARToolKit v4.5.11.

ARToolKit for Unity v2.0.2

This release corrects some issues with plugin loading on Android.

ARToolKit for Unity v2.0.1

This release adds Windows support (editor and runtime) to ARToolKit for Unity 2.0, as well as optimising code size on the other platforms.

ARToolKit for Unity v2.0

ARToolKit for Unity v2.0 is the first release supporting natural feature tracking (NFT), which will be familiar to users of ARToolKit NFT for iOS, Windows, and Mac OS X.

NFT mode is enabled by adding a "Marker" script to the scene and choosing "NFT" as the marker type. The actual NFT data files should placed into the folder "Assets/StreamingAssets", and there is already an example dataset in that folder the distribution (file names: gibraltar.iset, gibraltar.fset, gibraltar.fset2). The example NFT dataset can be enabled by entering the basename of the datafiles (in this case: gibraltar) into the "dataset" field.

New datasets can be generated using the genTexData tool inside the bin/ directory, exactly as for ARToolKit NFT for iOS. If you are not using NFT markers, be sure to remove any NFT datasets from the StreamingAssets folder before final build.

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